Candriam seeks to construct thematic portfolios centered around value-creating macro trends, designed to enhance investors’ asset allocations and return potential.
Candriam’s Thematic Investing team believes:
- Long-term trends create value: Thematic portfolios can increase exposure to a particular theme or trend, allowing investors to increase their allocation to powerful value-creating trends, and to trends which concern them individually
- The right definition: Thematic strategies can offer specific and granular investments to enhance asset allocations with a “core-satellite” approach, going beyond sectors to pursue opportunities across traditional or index sector definitions
- Increased return potential: Adding a concentrated thematic portfolio to a broader portfolio could offer enhanced return potential.
Candriam believes in supporting the development of a wide range of cancer diagnostics and treatments. With expertise in healthcare and biotechnology, the investment team utilizes a scientific-driven research process with a conviction-based, fundamental stock-picking strategy. This allows them to identify and invest in companies fighting cancer across a number of sectors –biotech, pharma, AI, research –and around the world, at all levels of development and size.
Supporting the development of a wide range of cancer diagnostics and treatments
Multi-specialist asset manager
Multi-specialist asset manager focused on fixed income, equity, thematic investing, absolute return strategies, sustainable investments, and asset allocation as well as tailored solutions and advanced liability-driven investing for pension funds and insurers.
Rudi Van Den Eynde
Head of Thematic Global Equity Management
Servaas Michielssens
Senior Analyst and Fund Co-Manager
Malgorzata Kluba
Senior Biotechnology Analyst